Independent Professionals and Managing Partners - Support from Social Security
As of today, 01/02/2021, Social Security makes available, digitally, the forms that give access to extraordinary support, launched in the scope of the pandemic, aimed at independent workers and managing partners.
In this second phase, contrary to what happened in March, these supports are only available to those who have seen their activities suspended or, on the other hand, whose establishments where they operate are closed due to legal or administrative imposition.
The duration of this support is also shorter, when compared to 2020, having the duration of the decree of the duty of closure or suspension. So far, we do not know the real time.
Self-employed workers can access the following employment support measures:
- Support for the reduction of activity: It is aimed at self-employed workers, including sole proprietors, subject to the suspension of activities or closure of facilities and establishments by legislative or administrative determination from a government source, in a state of emergency. Workers who do not earn more than the value of the Social Support Index (IAS), who are not pensioners, and who were subject to compliance with the contributory obligation in at least 3 months, in a row or interpolated, for the least 12 months, can access the support. This support may be required at Direct Social Security.
- Extraordinary measure to encourage professional activity: It is aimed at self-employed workers, including individual entrepreneurs, subject to the suspension of activities or the closure of facilities and establishments by legislative or administrative determination from a government source, in a state of emergency. This support covers self-employed workers who, in March 2020, were exclusively covered by the self-employed regime or who were also covered by the self-employed regime and did not receive, in this regime, more than the value of the Index for Support Social Funds (IAS) (€ 438.81), and their respective spouses or partners, and who, not being pensioners:
- Have started their activity for more than 12 months, without fulfilling their contribution obligation for at least 3 consecutive, or interpolated months, in the last 12 months; or
- have been in business for less than 12 months; or
- Are exempt from the payment of contributions (when there is no income or the value of contributions due to the relevant income in 2019 is less than € 20.00).
- Support for social deprotection: It is aimed at self-employed workers subject to the suspension of activities or closure of facilities and establishments by legislative or administrative determination from a government source, in a state of emergency and who are not necessarily covered by a social security regime, national or foreign, have declared the beginning or restart of their independent activity with the tax administration. The attribution of the benefit obliges the worker to declare the beginning or restart of an independent activity with the tax administration, the effects of the corresponding classification in the social security regime of the self-employed workers and the maintenance of the exercise of activity for a minimum period of 24 months, after the cessation of the payment of the instalment.
- Extraordinary Support for the Income of the Self-Employed: It is aimed at workers in particular economic deprotection caused by the pandemic of the disease COVID-19 in order to ensure the continuity of income. The Extraordinary Support for Workers' Income (AERT) covers self-employed workers who fulfil the resource condition, in certain situations, as of January 1, 2021. The resource condition is defined according to the monthly household income of the applicant that, under the current support, cannot exceed € 501.16 (per adult). These calculations exclude the property intended for permanent housing of the household. The condition of resources is considered fulfilled when the monthly income per adult of the household is less than or equal to € 501.16.
To ensure that the resource condition is applied to the most recent income, you must update your Social Security and 2020 income.
Contrary to what happened in 2020, this year, this support will be paid in the month of the application. Therefore, Social Security plans to pay the requests made this Monday still in February.